How Claudine Olivier® will reopen its preschools after May 11th ?
A reinforced hygiene and health protocol.
Protocol creche teams.
Because to welcome our families serenely, our team must also be serene.
Public transport
Take public transports wearing masks
In transport, try to touch the bars for holding on, doors etc. as little as possible. If you need to hold on to something you can use a handkerchief as long as you throw it in a rubbish bin immediately after leaving the transport without touching the part of the handkerchief that has been in contact with the outside. Then clean your hands thoroughly with your alcoholic solution.
If you take the Vélib or electric scooters, take enough hand sanitizer to decontaminate the handles, brakes and screen before use, but also afterwards (we are thinking of the next users).
Creche arrival
After arriving at the nursery the team does not touch anything until they wash their hands and have cleaned them with hand sanitizer.
Work Clothing
The team brings a change of clothes for the crèche, the change is washed on the premises and does not leave the crèche.
Entrances, exits and dress
Once in the crèche, it is not recommended to go out, if possible, if you need to go out it is necessary to change clothes while respecting the rules of hygiene.
Creche Masks
We provide an average of 2 masks per day at the crèche. 1 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon after the lunch break), the masks are thrown away after use in a closed dustbin.

Living space layout.
The living space is largely stripped down, we can no longer provide the children with all the toys as before.
Only the toys that can be easily cleaned (unvarnished wooden toys are excluded because the material is less easy to clean).
The toys are cleaned every night with our antibacterial, anti-fungal virus killing products. And they are cleaned regularly during day.
The plastic carpets are cleaned regularly
In addition to this, the following measures we were already practicing before the confinement :
Washing of door handles and barriers at least three times a day (the last professional arriving will be in charge of the second cleaning of the doors, and if a professional goes out she will have to clean the handles again on her return)
Respect for barrier gestures (regular hand washing, do not shake hands and blow your nose in a single-use handkerchief that is thrown away immediately).
Alert management as soon as symptoms such as coughing, difficulty breathing, fever, headache, etc. appear.
If there is a suspicion of an infected person (staff or child), they will be isolated and will only be able to return to the crèche after a medical examination.
Take temperature as often as needed if there is any doubt concerning a staff member or child.
Protocol creche families.
Reception in crèche (arrival and departure):
A direct route from the house to the crèche is preferred.
If you are passing through another place before arriving at the crèche, please bring a clean change of clothes to change your child on the spot once they arrive.
We recommend that parents wear masks like the staff.
Arrivals at the crèche are staggered.It is the same for the departures.
When entering the nursery, the parent cleans his or her hands with the alcoholic lotion.
The team cleans the children’s hands at the time of the reception on the premises.
In the entrance, there is now a line of tape that delineates the clean area of the nursery from the dirty area. It extends from the wall of the office area. The glass part of the hall and office is in the clean zone, the locker/change mat/stroller room is the so-called dirty zone. These zones allow the team to take off their shoes. It is therefore important not to cross this line.
After two months without a crèche, this return will be a big change for young and old! While the older children may be eager to regain some independence, we anticipate that all the children will need a little time to adapt. They will be separated from you after weeks spent together, and will find familiar but masked “faces” again!
This is why, to help them with the transition, we suggest that you come in a staggered way on the first day of school to spend some time with your child inside the section (about 15 minutes and in a limited area), just take off your shoes, wash your hands with the hydro-alcoholic solution and put on a mask to enter.
it will be necessary from now on to provide a teddy/doudou/blanky that will stay at the nursery, this will allow us to wash it in house to avoid cross contamination, and your other teddy stays warm at home. So one for crèche and one for home! If you only have one cuddly toy, you will have to be able to wash it at least once a day.
Cancelled outings:
We won’t be having any outings, at least not at first.
Nor will we welcome any external speakers at first.
Stroller Room:
If you want to avoid any risk of your strollers being handled by another parent, or to avoid them touching each other, we recommend that you take them home with you. Otherwise, please fold them as it will make them easier to store with the least amount of contact.
Join our happy Preschoools !
Experience the caring environment that is Claudine Olivier®.
- A flexible schedule and a concierge service to make your life easier.
- For children from 2.5 to 48 months.
- Knowledge of the world and awareness of different cultures.
- A family oriented environment.
- Child-rearing support.
- A committed consumption approach.
- A bilingual French-English environment.